Monday, August 17, 2015

More Photos from Northern Manhattan/マンハッタン北部の続き/曼哈頓北部續編


The photos today are all from northern Manhattan again.  This first one is of a boat shed on the Bronx River.  You can often see people practicing crew racing here.


Birds and bees



To our left is the Bronx, to our right (where I'm standing in this photo) is Manhattan.


 八月七日也po了這座燈塔。那時候我不知道為何有燈塔,可是後來我查看看,好像這座大樓以前是出版公司「H.W. Wilson」的總部。因為公司的象徵是燈塔,所以在大樓上設置一座燈塔。

I posted a photo of this building on August 7th as well.  At the time I just wrote that I didn't know what the deal was, but I looked it up afterwards.  It turns out this building was until recently the headquarters of H.W. Wilson, a publisher which used a lighthouse as there company logo.  Because it was their symbol, they actually went and put a lighthouse up on top of their office building.

8月7日にもこれの写真をポストしたけど、その時はこの灯台の存在が分からないと書いた。その後調べてみて、この建物は以前、「H.W. Wilson」という出版会社の本社だった。会社のシンボルは灯台だから、本社の上に灯台を実際に乗せたんだって。

 這些照片是聯合曼哈頓和布朗克斯叫做「High Bridge」(高橋)的行人橋。是1848年建完的。其實它原來不是行人橋,是水道的一部分。紐約市的水都從北方的山區流下來。以前曼哈頓居民的日用水都通過這條橋裡面。現在這裡的水管已經沒有用,但是還是在橋裡。

This is the recently reopened High Bridge.  Originally this bridge was built to carry drinking water from upstate down into the city.  There are different pipes that we actually use now, so the bridge no longer is part of the modern aqueduct system.



Three kinds of transportation visible at once: train, boat, automobile



This tower is also part of the old aqueduct system.



I found a cat.



This last photo is totally unrelated to the ones above--I'm not even in the same neighborhood--but I'm posting it here anyway.  I took this photo because I realized something when I was looking at this bus stop sign: I don't think they've changed the design of these signs since I was a little kid.  I can't remember any other design offhand.  This really struck me when I realized it.  Every time I come back to NYC, I'm struck anew by how much has changed, and how many familiar places, buildings, etc. have just disappeared and been replaced by something else.  This makes the things that haven't changed or disappeared stick out that much more.  I feel a little ridiculous about getting sentimental over a bus stop sign, but my options for sentimentality are limited in a city that is always changing.


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