Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tainan Immigration Office Revisited/再び台南移民署へ/又去了臺南移民署

Ah, the Tainan Immigration Office!  I've written about it in the past, but it is truly an unusual building, and worth a second look.  I passed by it a month or so ago when my friend from Taipei was visiting, so we had to stop and take a look.  (I repeat: God, it's a weird building...)


The Tainan government is evidently aware that lots of people stop and take photos in front of the building (tourists taking trip photos, couples doing wedding photos, etc.) so they put out this "love bench" in front of the building, adding to its already garish splendor.


Remember: This is where I go to get my visa extended!  I literally deal with actual government agents in this building!
The back needs a little work.
The statues all around the building are kind of creepy when viewed up close actually.

Why is the lamb buried in the dirt up to its neck?!  What's going on!?



What it says on this sign is unimportant; I took the photo because of the little bit right at the bottom, "Since 2013".  This is something I've seen a lot in both Japan and Taiwan.  Businesses and whatnot will throw "Since _____" on their storefronts and products (and always in English too, mind you), even if the year is laughably close to the present.  Is it just me?  I feel like you shouldn't be bragging "Since _____" unless you've been in business for at least 40 years or so.  I think they do it because of English's status as a "prestige language" in both countries, but it just looks silly to me.  In the case of this sign, it's not a business's storefront, but I still think it looks ridiculous to put up "Since ____" when the year written there is, you know, last year.

この写真を撮ったのは、一番下の「Since 2013」のことを話したかったのだから。台湾でも日本でもこの英語をよく見掛けるけど、皆に教えたいことがある。これはもしかして私の個人的な意見に過ぎないかもしれないけど、自分が言っていることは正しいという自信があるので、言ってしまうぞ。使い方は間違っている。日本でも台湾でもしょっちゅう「Since 2005」など書いている店を見掛けるけど、今は2014年だろう?2005年って10年前でもない。大したもんじゃない。私の感覚では、この「Sinceなんとか」は歴史が深いという意味も入っているので、最低40年以上の歴史がないと、逆にしょぼく見えて、恥ずかしい。「お前たった10年の営業で何を自慢にしてるのか」って感じがする。台湾と日本の使い方を見たら、単に英語で創立の年を述べたかっただけの様に見える。やめましょうね。

上面的照片,因為下面有「Since 2013」所以我拍了。我常常在日本或臺灣看到這個英文。但是我覺得用法是錯的。對我來說,這個句子是為了主張自己的商店,還是產品是古老的。如果我看到一座店寫,比方說「Since 1904」我就知道「他們已經超過一百年營業繼續了!很厲害!」不過,要是我看到商店寫,比如說「Since 2009」,我就覺得很丟臉。只是五年而已!你怎麼可以那麼吹噓?我看得出來在臺灣(也在日本)這個句子的意思只不過「創立__年」而已。好像沒有包括「古老」這個感覺。

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