The Lunar New Year is almost upon us here. Everywhere in town I see temporary shops set up selling things that one needs for the celebrations, such as paper "god money" that people burn to send to their ancestors in the afterlife. You can see piles of the yellow stuff in the window of this Volvo dealer here:
お正月前だからあっちこっち爆竹も聞こえる。またこの間スーパーに行ったら、獅子舞をしていた。玄関だけじゃなくて、本当にスーパーの中を回って踊った!I've also been hearing firecrackers everywhere. And the other day in the supermarket I saw this lion dance troupe. Not only did they dance at the entrance to the supermarket, they also danced through the aisles.
Ha! Looks like Big Bird's relatives!